quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2021

Foreign Information

Welcome to Herondina School! We are a public school maintained by the city of Florianópolis/SC, located in the Ingleses neighborhood. A place that today is the largest neighborhood outside the central area of the city. In our institution we offer elementary education (6 to 14 years old) in the regular modality in the morning and afternoon. At night, the school offers elementary education, but in the form of Youth and Adult Education (EJA), for young people, adults and seniors outside of school age.


To request the enrollment of students, it is necessary to contact the school secretary/school’s office to check the availability of vacancies through the following contacts:
Phone | +55 48 32693091
Whatsapp | +55 48 32693091
If the school has a vacancy, the student's family must present:
1. Official student document issued in Brazil;
2. Official document of the father, mother or relative responsible for the student issued in Brazil;
3. Proof of residence issued within a maximum of three months, proving that the family already resides in Florianópolis/SC;
4. Copy of the vaccination card or declaration of vaccination discharge issued by the basic health unit;
5. Student's school record. If this document is from a country with an education system that is very different from the Brazilian one, it will be necessary to present it translated.



Elementary education in Brazil consists of 9 years. The student can enroll in the 1st year if they are 5 years old and complete 6 years old by March 31 of that year.

At Herondina School, students will participate in classes in Portuguese Language, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History and Physical Education in all school years. From 1st to 9th grade of elementary school. In the subjects of Arts and Foreign Language, the school has the following organization:


1st year/grade: arts = music classes;

2nd year/grade: arts = theater classes;

3rd year/grade: arts = dance classes;

4th year/grade: arts = music classes;

5th year/grade:  arts = theater classes;

6th year/grade: plastic arts classes;

7th year/grade: arts = music classes;

8th year/grade:  arts = theater classes;

9th year/grade: plastic arts classes.

Foreign Language:

1st year/grade: English classes; only class 11 has Spanish classes;

2nd year/grade: English classes; only class 21 has Spanish classes;

3rd year/grade: Spanish classes; only class 31 has Spanish classes;

4th year/grade: English classes; only class 41 has Spanish classes;

5th year/grade: English classes; only class 51 has Spanish classes;

6th year/grade: English classes;

7th year/grade: Spanish classes

8th year/grade: English classes;

9th year/grade: English classes.

The 6th to 9th grade groups have extra Spanish classes outside the normal class shift, in addition to the regular English classes.

The complete school curriculum in Portuguese can be accessed on the following link:




The Herondina School provides emails, and Whatsapp numbers so that students' families can communicate with the school. All contacts can be found here on the school's website in the links: Team and Contacts (Equipe e Contatos).

At the moment, there is a single general Whatsapp number (+55 48 32693091), with automatic response, which directs families to the different sectors of the school.

In addition, each year/series/class has a Whatsapp group. It is a closed group and only the school administration sends out communications. In this space, all information about activities and events that take place at the school are displayed. In case of doubt, family members must send a message in private to the school's Whatsapp.

The school also offers an exclusive Whatsapp group for fathers, mothers and relatives of foreign students. In this environment, translated communications are published whenever possible. This is an open group, which enables interaction between family members, so they can help each other. For example, someone who did not understand a communication sent in Portuguese by the school can ask for help in this group. Anyone who knows Portuguese can write, explain and help another family.

If you are a foreigner and have a son or daughter already enrolled at Herondina school, you can join this group by clicking on the following link:



EDUCATIONAL ORIENTATION: AN IMPORTANT SECTOR IN THE WELCOMING OF FOREIGN STUDENTS Educational advisors/guidance counselors are professionals who work outside the classroom and have as their main focus the monitoring of school life. They articulate pedagogical actions to ensure that students are included and successfully adapt to school life. Among the actions developed, the following stand out:

  • APOIA: a program to combat school dropout;
  • Monitoring of infrequency;
  • Health problems and medical certificates;
  • Learning difficulties;
  • Organization and referrals of class councils;
  • Meetings with family members about student learning and indiscipline;
  • School inclusion process for students with foreign nationality;
  • Referrals to PSE (School Health Program);
  • Multidisciplinary assessment and Specialized Educational Care (speech therapist, ophthalmologist, multidisciplinary assessment, among others).

It is important to observe even more in the pandemic and post-pandemic times the emotional health of students. If you observe any of the above situations, notify the educational advisor/guidance counselor for the appropriate referrals. Educational advisors/guidance counselors are available to mothers, fathers and legal guardians for any clarification. Office hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 12:00pm and from 1:15pm to 5:15pm.

Cristiane Moraes da Silva She is responsible for the classes/groups 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,  and 17 E-mail: cristiane.silvamoraes@prof.pmf.sc.gov.br Whatsapp: +55 (48) 98813-4396

Marilisa Moraes Gomes

She is responsible for the classes/groups 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 E-mail: marilisa.gomes@prof.pmf.sc.gov.br Whatsapp: +55 (48) 99193-0528

Andréia Maria Rosa

She is responsible for the classes/groups 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59

E-mail: andreia.maria@prof.pmf.sc.gov.br

Whatsapp: +55 (48) 98875-6039

Edemilson Gomes de Souza He is responsible for the classes/groups 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78 E-mail: edemilson.gomes@prof.pmf.sc.gov.br Whatsapp: +55 (48) 98492-0110

Ariane Lanzarini

She is responsible for the classes/groups 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 and 96

E-mail: ariane.lanzarini@prof.pmf.sc.gov.br

Whatsapp: +55 (48) 9828-9593


We would like to inform you that the re-enrollments of students who are already studying at Herondina school will be AUTOMATIC.

Students will be re-enrolled in the same classes, as shown in the following examples:
Class 11 of 2022 will be class 21 in 2023.
Class 12 of 2022 will be class 22 in 2023.
And so on.

For more information about re-enrollment and the processes for enrolling new students at Herondina school, visit:

SCHOOL CALENDAR 2023 - 2nd semester

AUGUST | 22 school days
1st to 11th - 2nd semester planning meetings
5 - Strike replenishment (saturday)
12 - Strike replenishment (saturday)
14th to 25th - Evaluation week of the 2nd trimester
19 - Strike replenishment (saturday)
24 - Pedagogical meeting (HTPC)
26 - Strike replenishment (saturday)

SEPTEMBER | 19 school days
2 - Strike replenishment (saturday)
4th to 8th - Class collegiate/Council of the 2nd trimester
7 - National holiday - Independence of Brazil 
8 - End of the second trimester
11 - Beginning of the third trimester
16 - Strike replenishment (saturday)
20 - Pedagogical meeting (HTPC)
30 - Strike replenishment (saturday)

OCTOBER | 21 school days in the morning and 20 school days in the afternoon.
2nd to 20th - School games
7 - Strike replenishment (saturday)
9th to 13th - Children's week
12 - National holiday - Our Lady of Aparecida
15 - School holiday - Teacher's day
21 - Strike replenishment (saturday)
23rd to 31st - Application of the SAEB test

NOVEMBER | 20 school days
1st to 3rd - Application of the SAEB test
2 - National holiday - All Souls’ day
13th to 20th - Black consciousness week
14 - Pedagogical meeting (HTPC)
15 - National holiday - Proclamation of the Republic
17 and 18 - Talent Festival/Talent Show/Cultural Show - School day
20th to 30th - Evaluation week of the 3rd trimester

DECEMBER | 13 school days.
1 - Evaluation week of the third trimester
7 - Class collegiate/Council of the 9th grade groups
8 - Graduation of the 9th graders 
11th to 15th - Class collegiate/Council of the third trimester
19 - Delivery of school report cards
19 - End of the academic year / End of the third trimester
20th to 31st - School recess


                                                                      Portuguese to English translations made by 

teacher Tatiana Rocha de Souza, who has

been working at Herondina School since 2013.


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© 2008 Escola Básica Prof.ª Herondina Medeiros Zeferino  |  Templates e Acessórios por Elke di Barros